As I perused Facebook this morning…

It seems early Saturday mornings (about 6:00 A.M.) is when the weekend Facebook posters come alive. I only say this because I happen to be one of them… no shame intended. I surmise it is the early hour and perhaps a cup of coffee or two or whatever gets your juices flowing which allows folks to go into deep thought… or not. I.E. posting pictures of your cat, the impending snow storm predictions, or perhaps something great that happened to them this last week. I like the silence of it all unless it is a video with sound which requires me to place my headset on so I won’t disturb the better half who is usually still snoozing at that early unholy hour. No regrets I say.. look at the cat posting, comment on the impending weather, and listen to the video all while learning more about my Facebook friends and feeling closer to them somehow.

Jim Shireman

Reinventing yourself

Recently I reposted an excellent article by Josh Bersin Principal and Founder, Bersin by Deloitte entitled “Are you ready to become obsolete? What I’ve learned about continuous reinvention.”. An individual I know is on that journey not by design mind you but out of necessity. You see Barbara Hook had a great career going until the company she worked for pulled a total national reorganization on her and several hundred of her co-workers. So, Barb decided to reinvent herself forming her own company here in Indianapolis and named it Hook Connect. She took her unbelievable skill of connecting with other business people and turned that skill into a very successful business. Check out her new business at .